NRCS Documents

Forms and Important Information for the USDA/NRCS FY2025 Agricultural Land Easement Program

This page contains information for landowners seeking to apply for funding for a conservation easement with Jefferson County funding and matching federal funding through the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. The application and funding process involves numerous forms and steps. You first must be enrolled in the Jefferson County Farmland Protection Program in order to apply for federal funding.

We will help you as much as possible, but please be advised that the application process is time-consuming. Give yourself, the local USDA staff and the Jefferson County Farmland Protection Board staff as much time as possible to complete the paperwork. Depending on circumstances specific to your property, the Jefferson County Farmland Protection Board my require additional paperwork or documentation.

Your first steps are to apply to the Jefferson County Farmland Protection Board, and to sign up at your local FSA office for AGI and HEL certification (see forms below). The deadline for county applications is October 16, 2024.

The program is competitive at the local and state levels. You must meet minimum qualifications to be eligible. Review the application form and the local scoring sheet to get familiar with the criteria. If your property is selected by the Jefferson County Farmland Protection Board for funding, the process begins for application for federal matching funding.

The property owner should review the documents available on the NRCS website under the section Agricultural Land Easements:

West Virginia NRCS Conservation Deed Template:
The deed template contains the terms of the Deed of Easement required by the Board and the NRCS.

If the Farmland Protection Board selects your property to apply to NRCS for matching funds, the property owner(s) (all owners listed on the property deed) must complete the forms listed below (with assistance from the local FSA or NRCS office).

The FSA and NRCS offices are located on 209 E Third Ave Ranson, WV 25438.
Phone: 304-725-3471 Extension 3

CCC-941_AGI Certification

The property owner(s) must complete the AGI certification by October 15, 2024, or as soon as possible after October 15. All property owners listed on the deed to the property must fill out the required forms.

AD-1026_HEL & WC Certification


The Board will fill out the form CPA-41A, and the property owner(s) must sign it.

Written Offer to convey a conservation easement:  The Farmland Protection Board will assist you with this document.